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What to Expect when Starting Care

Initial Consultation

Our goal is to understand exactly what it is you need and if you are in the right place. This is done by meeting with one of our chiropractors in person to discuss your past and current health history. The goal is to understand what is going on and how this may be affecting you on a daily basis. A comprehensive hands on physical exam will then be performed.


This visit takes 30 minutes excluding paperwork so please arrive 10 minutes early.


Based on your history and physical exam findings,

x-rays and further scans may be necessary, if so we will refer you to the appropriate place.


Call us today on (03) 425 7373 or book online.


Report of Findings

This follow up visit from your initial consultation is designed to provide you with all the information about your results, how Chiropractic can help you and a Care Plan uniquely tailored to you so that you can get the best results in the fastest time.


This visit takes 15 minutes

Regular Visits

These are the visits you will have gong forward from your 'Report of Findings' visit. Our Chiropractors have located the area's of dysfunction in your spine and nervous. Now it is about correcting these and allowing your body to begin healing and adapting. These visit include a quick check in and reanalysis of your spine.


This visit take approx 10 minutes.

Progress Visits

Over the course of your care plan, your Chiropractor will schedule in 'Progress Visits' to update and re-exam how you and your spine are functioning. These are great times to check in and reassess frequency of visits, how your spine and nervous system has adapted along with any other changes you may need on your health journey


This visit take 15 minutes.

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